Simple Present Tense - Terpadu Ilmu

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Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2017

Simple Present Tense


I-1 Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa, kejadian, kegiatan yang tejadi berulang-ulang atau merupakan suatu kebiasaan (habit).
I leave for office at 6 every moming.
My father works five days a week.
I get up at 5 a.m every day.
Father always drinks tea in the afternoon.
I study English twice a week.

I-2 The Simple Present Tense juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu fakta (fact) atau suatu yang merupakan kebenaran umum (general truth).
The River Nile flows into Mediterranian.
Jet engines make a lot of noise.
The sun shines in the east and sets in the west.
Vegetarians don't eat meat and fish.
Cows give milk and sheep give wool.

I-3 The Present Simple juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi di waktu yang akan datang, jika kita membicarakan suatu jadwal, program, dan lain-lain.
The second train leaves at 10 a.m.
The football match starts at 4 p.m tomorrow.
The second film begins at 7 p.m.
Tomorrow is Saturday.
The art exhibition opens at 10 o'clock.

I-4 Kalau subjek kalimat orang ketika tunggal (the third person singular -she/he/it), kata kerja harus ditambah dengan "s" atau "es" dalam kalimat positif (positive statement).
Mary usually goes swimming on Saturday morning.
Mother always serves our breakfast before we go to school.
Father sometimes watches television after dinner.
My brother likes playing tennis on Sunday morning.
John's little brother goes to school on foot.

I-5 Akhiran "s" pada kata kerja. Pada umumnya kata kerja ditambah dengan akhiran "s" jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (the third person singular - he/she/it).

 I work five days a week.
She works five days a week.
We play tennis every Sunday.
He plays tennis every Saturday afternoon.
They take a train to go to office.
Father takes a train to go to office.
The boys play in the garden.
The boy plays in the garden.

I-6 Akhiran "es" digunakan pada kata kerja yang huruf akhirnya "s, ch, sh, o", jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal. Sedangkan kata kerja yang huruf akhirnya "y" dan didahului huruf mati, y ditukar dulu dengan "i" kemudian ditambah "es".

Akhiran "es"
Akhiran "y"
I pass the house.
He passes the house.
You watch televesion.
She watches television.
We wash our clothes.
She washes her clothes.
They go to office.
John goes to office.
I study English.
He studies English.

I-7 Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement)

Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement) dibentuk dengan menempatkan kata bantu "do atau does" di depan kalimat. "Does" digunakan untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it), sedangkan "do" digunakan untuk selain orang ketiga tunggal (I, you, we, they). "Do/Does" dalam kalimat tanya artinya "apakah" dan kata kerjanya tidak lagi menggunakan akhiran "s/es" walaupun subjek kalimatnya orang ketiga tunggal.

I, You, We, They
He, She, It
Do you always go to office by train ?
Does your brother work for bank Mandiri ?
Do they go swimming every Sunday ?
Does he go swimming every Sunday ?
Do the boys like this film ?
Does the boy like this film ?
Do we study English today ?
Does she study English today ?

I-8 Kalimat menyangkal (negative statement)

Kalimat menyangkal (negative statement) dibentuk dengan menempatkan "do not/don't atau does not/doesn't" sesudah subjek kalimat. "Doesn't" digunakan untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he doesn't, she doesn't, it doesn't), sedangkan "don't" digunakan untuk selain orang ketiga tunggal (I don't, you don't, we don't, they don't).

Do not / Don't
Does not / Doesn't
You don't go swimming on Monday
She doesn't go swimming on Monday.
We don't work on Saturday.
He doesn't work on Saturday.
They don't play football every day.
My brother doesn't play football every day.
We don't come here on Sunday morning.
She doesn't come here on Sunday morning.
I don't work at the aircraft factory.
John doesn't work at the aircraft company.

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